Our Story




Found was established in 2022 by cousins and university students, Nicholas Schutte and Charlotte McClean. The goal was for the brand to be a collaborative project, working with artists to create unique, thought-provoking designs that are comfortable and tailored to everyday life. 

With no notable background in sourcing and marketing, the challenge began with sourcing, branding and releasing our products. However, what was always clear was the brand image. We always envisioned the brand to go above and beyond a traditional large clothing brand, aiming to delve into something larger; an intimate community experience. Living in Sydney has provided a canvas of dynamic fashion and trendy environments proving a strong location to release our designs. Found is very much a lifestyle, an aesthetic and something much bigger than the clothing pieces themselves. We consider this a bit of our life, clothing tailored to what we love doing and a project that really is just a snapshot of who we are.

Everything has been a journey. With Nick running the sourcing, logistics and finances, and Charlotte focusing on legal issues and branding; it has been a team effort. It’s important for us to note and thank the help from various friends and family, assisting with modelling and various other tasks for the business. 

While still early days we are so excited for this next drop and the future of the brand! We have various ideas for events, blogs and an assortment of other activities that will turn this brand into something bigger.

We are constantly motivated to do our best for you guys!

Found Team



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